MOONS Challenges Censorship of Menstrual Blood in Media with “Our Bodies Are Not Indecent” Campaign 

Upstart menstrual care brand questions what constitutes “indecent, obscene, profane” content on TV with billboards near D.C. federal buildings.

Menstrual care brand MOONS launched their “Our Bodies Are Not Indecent” campaign this week, calling attention to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) prohibition of menstrual blood on broadcast television as “obscene, indecent, profane content.”

Images of menstruators with the FCC seal as a censorship device over blood stains is making waves in Washington, D.C. this week as the billboard truck drives around the FCC building and prominent media organizations. Campaign copy explains that “Our blood is not obscene. Our bodies are not indecent. Our experiences are not profane. Our cycles are powerful and they deserve respect.” 

Viewers are invited to sign a petition encouraging the FCC to end its outdated censorship policies around menstruation. 

At a moment in the public consciousness when bodily autonomy is at risk and women’s experiences are being ignored, MOONS hopes to raise awareness around the importance of normalizing menstruators’ bodies and realities, in part through representation in media.

The campaign also questions the acceptance of violence-based blood in media, but not the blood of natural experiences.

“The more comfortable we become talking about bodies, cycles, and women’s health, the more understanding there will be. And with understanding comes attention and respect,” said CEO and co-founder Rachel Donovan Geller. 

Co-founder Kaity Potak adds, “Dismantling stigma is the heart of MOONS, and this campaign aims to do so at a higher level. Banning menstrual blood sends the message that it’s bad or shameful. It’s time to send a new message.” 

Please sign our petition, and visit us to learn more about the #NotIndecent campaign.



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