Leo Season Approaches

July 22 - August 22

The sun roars into its home sign Leo on July 22, bringing the fire of rejuvenation upon the wheel of the year. Rooted in the heat of summer (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), I like to imagine in this season we are like the Lion, lazing upon the rocks in the sun. Still magnificent, powerful and prepared to protect our pride at any moment. But ultimately, basking in the joy of the long days and beaming rays. Finding ease with those who are closest to our fierce hearts.

Leo is the sign of the Lion, of Strength — and ruled by the Sun, it brings an energy of revitalization to the things that may have lost momentum. In the same spirit that the sun can bring light + life, it can also bring a scorching illumination to the things that zap our energy, and need to be lovingly surrendered from our grip. Leo gives us the courage to make big changes, and as the sign most connected with our inner child, it helps us to bravely stand up for ourselves, and for the ones we love most around us. 

Explore these ritual tools to connect with your inner Lion: 


  • Dandelion
  • Chamomile
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Balm


  • Sunstone
  • Citrine
  • Dalmatian Jasper
  • Peridot


  • Inner Child work — sing and dance, craft it up, sacred theater, go outside and play
  • Strength or The Sun — meditate on these tarot cards + archetypes, save one as your phone background to have a daily reminder!
  • Altar to the Sun — use sunflowers, chamomile, yellow dock root, carnelian, sunstone, yellow candles, etc., to create an offering to the center of our planetary universe
  • Loving Kindness meditation — also known as metta — practice a self-guided or recording of this heart-centered meditation. Offer the mantra “may we all live freely, contently, and to our hearts extent.”

Leo loves to be center stage, so this is our season to be BOLD in our desires + purpose, and step into the spotlight to offer the gifts of our heart to the world. On August 11, the moon takes center stage for the Full Moon in Aquarius — reminding us that we each play an important role in the greater collective, and to keep the relationships with our soul family heart-centered and deeply nourished in the ways we uniquely can. Throughout this season, be sure to check in on your heart. Our fixed fire sign can be a bit headstrong, but is also a natural leader, so we have a strong foundation — rooted in compassion — to drive our intentions forward. 

Happy Leo Season, Fierce Hearts!

Stephanie, @littlemoonmystic

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