"Do You Have A Tampon?": In Service of Strangers
By Caroline Etnier Thompson, Renaissance Woman, Mainer & New Mama
I squeezed in a rare gym workout today while my daughter napped. Quick cardio, some weights, not going into the pool because I can't quite master the breathing part of the crawl...the normal. As I walked back into the locker room, another woman approached the door at the same time I did. Cue: needless apologies on both sides. She went ahead of me and ended up in the exact spot where my locker was. Cue: more apologies, awkward laughter and me promising to retrieve my things quickly.
But then I did something both brave and embarrassing...I asked her for a tampon. And just like that the awkward, overly polite and apologetic spell was broken. “I don’t have one on me, but my desk is right outside!” she said. Before I could protest, she left and was back a second later with three tampons in hand. Before I knew it, we were laughing about how difficult pregnancy was, grumbling about the women who say it’s easy and magical, talking about the stresses of new motherhood, and laughing—a lot. I left the locker room feeling happy and refreshed and not worried about bleeding.