Welcome to Sagittarius Season

From November 21 through December 21, the sun blazes into free-spirited Sagittarius. The sign of the archer asks us to take aim and to trust in our direction that we’ve set into place, enjoying the shifts occurring in our lives and keeping an easy-going vibe through the changes. Sagittarius season invites us to explore our independent streak and rise into how we can be seekers of knowledge, expansion and new truths, through the lens of our most buoyant self.

We enter Sagittarius right amid an eclipse season that starts on the Taurus Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) on 11/19 and ends on the Sagittarius New Moon (Solar Eclipse) on 12/4. This offers an energy of deep excavation, reflection and change, carrying over from the deeply transformative work from Scorpio season, with a new energy allowing it to rise to the surface and enter the mutable fire sign for a truly profound moment of alchemy. During the season you can work with the following tools and practices to harness the yes-can-do attitude of endlessly optimistic Sagittarius.


  • Dandelion (root)
  • Vervain
  • Saffron


  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Lepidolite
  • Onyx (try different color varietals depending on the energy you wish to invoke)


Purple flame meditation (offering your intentions into the fire of transformation)
Travel to a new, foreign land (or make time to explore your own ‘hood with new eyes!)
Read a mind-expanding book (like this one, or this one)
Work with the Temperance card in tarot by placing it on your altar, where you get ready in the morning, or keeping it as a phone background as a reminder of your power to turn all of your healing work into beautiful art. You are the alchemist of your journey, and the temperance card evokes this energy as the transformative fire of our beloved Sag season.
Make joy your ritual. Write down your wins, spend time with good friends who light up your heart, say YES more, learn something new just for fun! 

Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius asks, “what’s the best that can happen?” After immersing ourselves into the depths of our soul + shadow during Scorpio season, the flirty fire sign invites us to join the dance party, shake it off, be bold and set fire (safely and consciously ;)) to the things lingering and obstructing our path. How can you embrace this carefree enthusiasm in your daily work and intentions? If just reading that gives you a “yikes!” or a “yes!” take notice. Ask yourself what you can learn from this season, and how you can best share your wisdom with the world. 

These practices and tools can be used together in ceremony or in daily sacred moments. If you want support in exploring any of this, please feel free to reach out - I’d love to work with you!

From the depths of my heart to yours,

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